I'm not going to accept new architectures unless there's a credible path towards making them a first class citizen. This would require at least a PE toolchain, and some kind of ARM64EC-style architecture to be able to run x64 binaries with good performance. A Winelib-only port is not interesting enough to justify the extra maintainance burden. -- Alexandre Julliard julliard@winehq.org
I'm not going to accept new architectures unless there's a credible path towards making them a first class citizen. This would require at least a PE toolchain, and some kind of ARM64EC-style architecture to be able to run x64 binaries with good performance. A Winelib-only port is not interesting enough to justify the extra maintainance burden.
-- Alexandre Julliard julliard@winehq.org
Lneee 有没有人可以协助把mingw编译器搞起来
楼主的 wine 跟 https://bbs.loongarch.org/d/352-loongarchwine ( git 地址 https://github.com/loongarch-moe/la64-wine )是一个项目吗
TSiNGKONG 不是,la64-wine是我移植到一半的东西. 中途去处理rocm-loongarch导致没有继续. 楼主应该是独立于la64-wine实现的(la64-wine直到现在,可以参考且有价值的代码并不多).
Xinmudotmoe 好的,哈哈,我说怎么好几个月没有动静呢
TSiNGKONG 目前loongarch的支持已经比较完整,新旧世界都可以支持,大家可以一起参与进来。xtajit和wine-ce都可以基于此版本支持。
chx 来个地址呀,大佬,源码和 Release 😀
TSiNGKONG 还在整理代码,估计还得过几天
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