有适合新世界的 bazel 使用么?https://github.com/Loongson-Cloud-Community/bazel/releases + liblol 还是运行不了,提示 mkdir (error: 38): Function not implemented, 克隆下来自己编译,执行 compile.sh 提示
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release.
ERROR: /tmp/bazel_6qd0A9WA/out/external/bazel_tools/tools/jdk/BUILD:29:19: While resolving toolchains for target @bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime: no matching toolchains found for types @bazel_tools//tools/jdk:runtime_toolchain_type
ERROR: Analysis of target '//src:bazel_nojdk' failed; build aborted:
INFO: Elapsed time: 22.780s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (368 packages loaded, 8899 targets\